Not Another Fucking Podcast
No, it's not another fucking podcast but who knows maybe it could be one day lol
The big idea I have and the big question I have is how to fuck do people doing cool shit get to where they are?
Was it easy? were there shit days or weeks? Did they quit? How long did it take? Who helped them? Generally, just how the fuck do you become a better person?
Sorry for all the Fucks but I keep running out of them in the search to become a better version of myself.
So I thought sod it let's just ask everyone else how they're getting on and see If we can work backwards from lessons learned by others.
In our pilot for Episode 1, we hit Connor up with some pretty heavy questions with zero notice about what the agenda was. I think he did it great, I think Nats who actually made all this happen did great and I'm excited to do the next one now.
Check out the video and let us know what you think.
Have a gander at an updated and full question list we'll be dishing out in Episode 2.
What are your passions?
What inspires you?
What do you do to live in the moment/be more present in life?
Have you ever drifted?
The bravest thing you've ever done?
How do you stay curious?
How do you stay wild?
Best travel location?
Who inspires you?
Favourite creator?
Tips for self-love?
Top festival & headliner?
Good - Things you want to do more of?
Bad - Things you want to do less of?
Ugly - What do you want to get stop doing completely?
One tip you'd give your younger self?
You're 99 years old, what's the one thing that you want to able to say you achieved?
How do you introduce yourself to other people about what you do for work?
What would you like to see more of in the world?
What would you like to see less of in the world?
Top book recommendation? and why?
If you could tattoo one message on you for the rest of your life, what would it be?
What's your purpose in life?