The great drift
Here’s a nugget of wisdom: if you want to excel at anything, buddy up with Consistency and Discipline. They're the dynamic duo that will carry you through thick and thin. My Achilles' heel? Drifting. But I’m too stubborn to throw in the towel.
What does not all who drift are lost mean?
Why I can’t give up?
Thinking big. Plans for the future.
Define purpose & values simply - Check.
Escape the overdraft quicksand - Work in Progress.
Launch the Friends with Benefits ambassador scheme - On it.
Build a community that vibes with us - Getting there.
New designs for a sunnier tomorrow - In the works.
Dive into winter wear for 2024 - Dreaming it up.
The Journal of Dreamers & Drifters - Coming soon.
Discussions with Dreamers & Drifters - Let’s chat.
The Blue Label Range (not-for-profit products) - On the horizon.
Ship our dreams worldwide - Globe, here we come
Find a physical space for Drifters - Scouting locations