South Coast Drifters

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Drifters Manifesto

Here’s to the dreamers & drifters. The course correctors. The ones who navigate by the stars of their own making. The souls who embrace the journey, no matter where the wind takes them. They’re not ones for staying put. They thrive on change, on the thrill of discovery, on the beauty of the detour. You can join them, learn from them, sail with or against them. But ignoring them? That’s not an option. Because they’re the ones charting new courses. They’re the ones who understand that true direction comes from within. And while some might see them as lost or aimless, we see pioneers. Because those who are bold enough to drift, dream, and adjust their sails are the very ones who find new worlds. They’re the ones who show us that not all who drift are lost, but instead, on a voyage to find what truly matters. Here’s to the ones who dare to dream, drift, and direct their course anew — for they are the ones who not only find their way but light a path for others.

Not all who drift are lost…

Chief Drifting Officer